A few recent articles about what’s happening with the news media, readers, viewers, listeners, and bots. What People Really Want in a News Organization – Sally Lehrman at The Atlantic. The Trust Project, a collaboration of news organizations around the world, has discovered (!) something interesting about what readers want from news: “Thoughtful online readers who … [Read more...]
Iseli and Hall’s “Perception”
“Quality alone is not enough to make you successful in your workplace or to make your product sell or people desire you,” say Franziska Iseli and Christo Hall. “You need to be able to manage how you being perceived.” Iseli and Hall are the authors of Perception: Take Charge of How Others View Your Brand, Become Irresistible, and Make a Bigger Impact. They have written a … [Read more...]
Have You Ever Lied for Your Company?
I’ve spent 40 years in organizational communications, mostly in the corporate world. I’ve been on the firing line more times than I want to remember with product crises, environmental crises, public controversies involving the company, and more. For about a year, I worked for an urban school district forced into massive change during a full-blown financial crisis and became the … [Read more...]